Bunker Sculptures
by Andreas Mühe

Each bunker in the A.M. Bunker family is a work of art by Andreas Mühe. On many trips along the Atlantic coast across Europe, Andreas Mühe traced the bunkers as mysterious gray shapes.

The bunker represents both attack and protection. The inaccessible bunkers become their opposite in the artistic transformation: from individual monoliths they transform into many small, cuddly plush bunkers that prefer to come in groups. 

The iconic A.M. Bunker family invites young and old to touch, squash, cuddle and admire.

Andreas Mühe's bunker sculptures were created for an exhibition at the renowned Kunsthaus Dahlem in Berlin. In this exhibition, which runs from 7 June to 6 October, Andreas Mühe takes up these structures and exploits their metaphorical, monumental potential.

Known for his precise photographs, in his first sculptural work Mühe reduces the bunkers to a humanly tangible size and transforms them into soft, plush bunkers. Instead of a single monument, Mühe creates a sea of small "plush bunkers" that flood the exhibition space of the Kunsthaus Dahlem in Berlin and thus present a walk-in variety.

Andreas Mühe and his Bunker Collection
May 2024

Andreas Mühe is one of the most famous German photographers of his time. With his intensive and relentless examination of Germany's recent past, he has repeatedly addressed controversial topics and painfully illustrated them. He composes finely arranged narratives using analogue, carefully considered photographs in large format.