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Command Bunker Bundle

003, 004

In our colorful Bunker family, there are two members who particularly stand out: General Bunker and Commando Bunker. These two tall and striking characters stretch proudly and determinedly towards the sky.

General Bunker impresses with his full lips, which are his unmistakable trademark. Between these lips lies a narrow, velvety black opening, ready to keep your smallest and most beautiful secrets. He is the reliable confidant, even in turbulent times, who keeps your treasures safe.

Kommando Bunker, on the other hand, brings a breath of fresh air into the family. With his striking hairstyle, he is the self-proclaimed "punk" among the Bunkers, who likes to be different and unusual. His dark velvet openings on each side make him particularly cautious and versatile. Kommando Bunker is always ready to break new ground and explore unusual ideas.

Regular price € 525,00
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